#of course he's a freak we've seen his trauma
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helluvabutt · 6 months ago
I posted this analysis to Twitter a couple of days after Apology Tour dropped and it did numbers, so I figured I should post it here since it's easier to format this kind of long form post here anyway.
Guys, thery're just both wearing masks. Like Stolas's is obvious, he literally wipes away the tears and puts the mask back on, goes back to being the unaffected, measured prince he's expected to be. It is a whole mask, it's in his DESIGN
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He was born with it by virtue of being royal. By having those expectations placed onto him from the moment he was probably just an idea, not even close to being a person yet. That his mask is heart-shaped is just... yeah 😭
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Blitzø on the other hand, seems to have /some/ chance to be a child, especially with Fizz, even if his dad was a piece of shit. But over time, not meeting expectations and the self-loathing that developed as a result drove him to create a mask (lit. mask in Truth Seekers)
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This of course, all comes to a head in the fire, and from there on out it is locked in as something he cannot remove. Just like Stolas it is a part of his literal design. And though we see him measure himself and put it back on far less often, he still does.
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I think theres something to be said for Blitzø having a half mask, he lets enough of himself out that it could go undetected, whereas Stolas seems very detatched from what's expected of a Goetia, and has to don a full mask to belong amongst them (with no help from Stella ofc)
But with his comment on not being invited out, and Ozzie complaining about him, he clearly doesn't have many fans (or friends😭) and I wonder how much of that and his general awkwardness is because he tries SO hard to keep it up and be what's expected rather than a person.
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As a viewer I think that we've seen more mask off "Stolas in his feefees" but as much as he lets his guard down a little around Blitzø he still very rarely actually takes the mask off in his presense. He always waits until there are no eyes on him to let his feelings show
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We're starting to see them letting the mask down around one another slowly, not entirely willingly...
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But I think that both of them realising the other is also wearing a mask is going to be the first step in understanding that there is a middle ground between putting each other on a pedestal or being scum of the earth, and realising that they've both been damaged and the other gets it, that their traumas intersect in so many ways is ultimately going to be the thing that lets them truly connect and heal together, that and matching each other's freak ❤️
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fandomofisolation · 4 months ago
I'm not ready to believe that Buck and Tommy are done for good.
I'm just spitballing here, but I think I have some good reasons for that.
Here's why:
Tommy agreed to go to Maddie's wedding with Buck and showed up still in his turnouts and covered in soot after a grueling 24 (?) hours of fire-fighting because he did not want to go back on that promise. And he kissed Buck in the middle of the hospital and allowed Buck to go into Chimney's hospital room with soot all over his face and met all Buck's family and friends.
Tommy was always talking about the 118 as a family and how he wanted to be a part of that.
Tommy took care of Buck when he dislocated his shoulder and slept over at Buck's place.
Tommy gave Buck a present for their six-month anniversary.
It's not giving "someone who doesn't think this is going to last". It's not giving "someone who is just here for a good time". What it IS giving is "someone who takes this relationship seriously". "Someone who just might be falling in love."
Here's what I'm thinking.
Tommy had just found out that his Buck is the half-her-age himbo that his ex-fiancée Abby dated after he broke off their engagement and "went a little crazy". Now, what we know about Tommy right now is that he has done a lot of work on himself, that he has grown a lot, and that he is a good person. I think it's safe to assume that he feels badly about breaking Abby's heart.
We've seen him talk about his past before, like on their first date or in Buck's loft when he made the "God I hope so" comment but he never really goes in depth. I think he's trying to shield Buck from his trauma. So yeah, when he talked about Abby, he's not gonna give Buck all the ugly details about his own journey. And of course the scene with Josh supports that with the comment about scars.
So Tommy is confronted with a visceral reminder of the woman he hurt. And he probably cared about her. And he probably feels bad. But that happened at a time when he was figuring himself out. He had just left the 118. He was dealing with some shit. He was doing the best he could. What's important here is that he was just embarking on the journey of embracing his sexuality. And for all we know, he might have been right around the age that Buck is right now.
So Tommy sees Buck as his former self. And all that guit comes back and turns into pure panic. Because if Buck is past-Tommy, then Tommy is past-Abby. And Tommy is not gonna let Buck do to him what he himself did to Abby.
But it's not about Buck. Tommy is projecting. This is Tommy's own regret and insecurity.
There are some very important parallels in this episode that I would like to draw your attention to.
7.05: Buck and Tommy have their first date at a restaurant, which ends with Tommy leaving Buck standing in front of the restaurant alone because he doesn't think Buck is ready
8.06: Buck and Tommy have their six-month anniversary date at a restaurant and have a conversation that begins a chain of events which ultimately leads to Tommy breaking up with Buck because he thinks that Buck will break his heart
7.05: Eddie asked Marisol to move in with him, then freaked out and thought that he was going to have to break up with her but ultimately was persuaded that that was not the best course of action. (The fact that everything got fucked up when Kim came into the picture is later and has nothing to do with this. Marisol and Eddie were doing well after he asked her to move back out.)
8.06: Buck asked Tommy to move in with him and Tommy freaked out and "broke up" with Buck.......
7:05: Eddie is dealing with rediscovering a faith that he didn't think was still important to him, because the girl he is dating used to be a nun-in-training
8.06: Eddie is dipping his toe back into the pool of practising his faith and runs into the priest he confessed to at a juice bar, where said priest arguably may have been flirting with him
7.05: Eddie shows up to Buck's apartment because he doesn't know what to do about Marisol. Buck tells Eddie that he and Tommy were on a date but Tommy "dumped" him. Eddie convinces Buck not to give up and tells him to call Tommy. Buck convinces Eddie not to break up with Marisol.
8.06: Buck shows up to Eddie's house because Tommy just "broke up" with him............
This show has a an established pattern of couples + second chances. Maddie even does a whole speech about it at one point.
Let's review:
- Buck thinks that Abby's complicated life is too much for him and tells Bobby that he thinks he's going to break up with her. Bobby convinces him not to and that relationship becomes the best and most transformative relationship of Buck's life...until now.
- Bobby and Athena start dating then have a fight about how Athena is ashamed of him and Bobby doesn't want to be a secret but Michael (Athena's GAY ex-husband..ahem..) convinces her not to give up on it.
- When Athena asked Bobby to move in with her (ahem), Bobby freaks out (AHEM) and we think he's going to break it off but he actually ends up proposing.
- in a flashback, we see that Hen and Karen broke up earlier in their relationship but Chimney once again got involved and got them back together by convincing Karen to try again.
- Hen full on CHEATED on Karen with her crazy ex (I know, we don't like to talk about it) and Karen moved out. But Hen fought for her and she came back. Now they're better than ever.
- Eddie and Shannon were separated for a long time, but they eventually got back together
- Maddie and Chimney were really good friends and falling in love but Maddie wasn't ready. And Chimney was sad but he understood. (2.08) Then Maddie decides to divorce Doug and asks Chimney out. (2.11)
- After Doug almost kills both Chimney and Maddie, they try to pick up where they left off but whatever they were about to have is gone and they're not getting it back. (2.14) But Maddie still won't give up and suggests that they try to have something else. (2.18)
- Buck and Taylor hooked up but fought about Taylor's journalistic ethics. However, they eventually reconnected and end up dating.
- Buck kissed Lucy and freaked out and asked Taylor to move in with him. When he told Taylor that's what happened, she was PISSED but they worked it out and she stayed.
- After Maddie went to Boston, Maddie and Chimney broke up because they grew apart, or grew while they were apart. BUT they continue coparenting amicably, have a one-night stand and buy a house together. And of course, get engaged and eventually married!
- Natalia learned about Lucy, Taylor and Kameron all in one night and decided that Buck's life was too full and too complicated for her. But she came back after realizing that Buck was worth it and the fullness and complexity was a good thing.
- We've already talked about Eddie and Marisol and Buck and Tommy the first time.
I think that Eddie, once again, is going to help Buck gain some perspective and convince him not to give up on Tommy. I think Buck is going to fight for Tommy and Tommy is going to work through some stuff and realize that he was acting out of fear. And I think they're going to get back together!!
Note: This could work for bucktommy OR buddie end game.
Of the couples I mentioned in my list of second chances, the three main couples all stayed together, eventually getting married. But Eddie and Buck have each had 2-3 instances (Shannon and Marisol, and Abby, Taylor and Natalia, respectively) where their relationships seemed like they were going to end (or did end) but they worked through it, AND THEN LATER actually did end anyway for a completely different reason.
So what I'm saying is that Buck and Tommy could end up like Bathena, Madney or Henren, or they could go the route of Buck's and Eddie's previous relationships and eventually end, which would be very sad but okay as long as it were for a good reason.
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glitteringcrab · 1 year ago
I've seen this technology before (part 2)
think of the implications think of the implications THINK OF THE FREAKING IMPLICATIONS (trigger warning for sexual abuse)
Sigh... Here we go.
First of all, let's get the easy parts out of the way.
Despite people who are being puppeteered sometimes appear to be in a fugue state (that thousand yard stare lol)--
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--or, you know, puppeteered. VIOLENTLY sometimes--
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--it's clear that they are also both alive and aware:
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Would you say this is pretty much the definition of a mind rape?
I mean, we've seen Unity do pretty much the same thing, but the subjects never seem to be aware that they got possessed, are not traumatized nor upset (and hilariously the quality of their lives was greatly improved when Unity had taken over). I don't know if they forget because Unity is actually kind of nice and makes them forget on purpose to avoid trauma, or if it's just how assimilation by hiveminds works. In any case, it is apparent that this is simply how hiveminds live. Ugly, of course, but in the sense of "a predator has to eat" fashion. Not exactly a choice on the hivemind's part. So... technically also a mind rape, but... also not as evil as what Evil Morty has been doing.
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Do we all agree that it seems that the receiver is above Evil Rick's eye? We can see its light going on and off, which would likely not be visible if the receiver was at the height of the bottom eyelid (I'm referring to where Evil Morty's cables are sticking out).
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Indeed, the Citadel Rick does not have to stick his whole hand inside Evil Rick's face, just the fingers.
In fact, would you say the receiver is... right... about... here:
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(and yes, I combined the two frames to achieve the ultimate creepy frame)
So... in the hypothetical scenario that "the reason Evil Morty has cables sticking out of his eye is that he was once puppeteered himself and some remains of the implant are still in his head"...
...would you say that the place where his own receiver must have been would be... somewhere around here:
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Which, accounting for the curvature of the giant cartoon eyes (lol) might be the correct distance from the bottom eyelid if one combines the length of the cables Evil Morty already has sticking out of his eyes and the the length of the cables in the eyepatch.
At the same time, it'd be kinda weird for someone to remove the receiver but not the rest of the implant cables and stuff. I mean, if Rick C-137 was trying to remove such an implant from Morty Prime, wouldn't he be thorough about it? Wouldn't he make sure Morty Prime was completely clean?
Unless, of course, you're hastily trying to gouge your own eye out in desperation:
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Oops. You too, eh?
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Also, it is interesting to note that it appears Evil Rick was trying to stick the shard in his eye (the left eye, btw, where his receiver was) which is... not how one would typically try to commit suicide when you also have a throat available.
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So either the mind control kept Evil Rick's hand far away from his throat on purpose, or there are built-in contingencies that ensure unauthorized removal of the receiver is akin to a death sentence...
...which (in the hypothetical case that Evil Morty was at some point in the past also frantically gouging his own eye out) may be negated if you somehow also managed to gain access to some kind of healing equipment (of which we know Ricks have plenty) and set it to turn on automatically (because you're a very smart, careful boy). I'm not gonna add the screenshots because they're too many, but I'm going to list a few:
the one Rick used to jumpstart Pissmaster's brain
the thing Rick injected Morty with after Morty bully-gunned himself
the one Rick used to restore Morty's arm
Rick's freaking garage
(It's possible by the way that the original receiver Evil Morty had did not have a "contain suicide attempt" function. It's possible that the threat of death was deterrent enough that Evil Morty wouldn't try to remove the receiver on his own. It's possible Evil Morty added the "contain suicide attempt" function to Evil Rick's receiver because he knew from experience that this is a price he might be willing to pay. Which would, you know... also explain why he didn't bother downloading the schematics of Rick Prime's auto-healing ability for himself)
IN ANY CASE, you mutilated yourself successfully, pulled the receiver out of your eye's remains, died, your brain healed (physically), the eye reformed, but happened to reform while the cables were sticking out from when you were pulling the receiver. Uh-oh. It's okay, tuck them back in, no one has to know. Better not inform the Citadel nor update your Morty Agency record on your newest implant, either. You wouldn't want other Ricks to know they only need to attach a receiver in your head to exert complete control over you, huh? (like grabbing a... joystick?) Maybe kill your Rick, if you haven't done it already. Run away.
Sigh. Let's go to the hard parts now.
Fans smarter than me have already pointed out that the Rick-Morty dynamic is deliberately built around the idea of grooming, predation of minors and sexual abuse. A lot of the things in the show are either outright instances of grooming, are meant to refer to sexual abuse or are meant to be allegories to sexual abuse, even though canonically Rick is not grooming Morty for sexual reasons. (I strongly suggest you check out all the above links, by the way. I was disturbed.)
Take also into account that Citadel with its Morty Market also has disturbing similarities to a messed up, horrible foster care system, as well as child trafficking.
Although I can't find all the links (message me if you have them), I had also found posts from fans comparing Evil Morty's actions to sexual abuse, against Ricks and Mortys this time.
The "literal" mind rape he has committed is the most blatant example, in my opinion, but far from the only one. The violence of Evil Rick's puppeteering when he was forced to kill Guard Rick was disturbing. Another fan alluded that Evil Morty making Evil Rick drunk before assaulting him was akin to drugging someone before taking sexual advantage of them. Extra disturbing by Evil Rick's exclamation "Get off me!"
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Personally, Evil Morty closing the garage door before attacking reminded me of... other scenes in movies etc, where the assaulter turns up the volume on the radio before commencing his attack. I mean... we've seen all sorts of insane stuff happening in that garage (people exploding, redheads flying in, a flying saucer parking) and none of the neighbors even care. Gene actually had the courage to STEAL a rake from this house of madness. It is all treated as comically absurd. Only when Evil Morty attacks are the happenings treated as an actual violent crime that the perpetrator would want to stay hidden.
And sure, Evil Morty needed a large crowd of alive Mortys to hide amongst, and he needed an excuse to keep them alive so he strapped them on the Morty Dome and tortured them, but did they really have to be naked?
Now, I'm in no way an expert of any sort in any of the above, but I've read that when children (and Morty is 14) do physically violent or sexually aggressive acts against others, it's typically because they've been assaulted themselves in a similar fashion. I guess they're either trying to process what happened, are mimicking it, are venting their frustration on someone weaker, or are simply desensitized to it. SOMEONE PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I'M HORRIBLY WRONG.
I'm sure that canonically, no actual rape has taken place, but given the show's general... vibe... I doubt the above mentioned similarities are a coincidence. I'd say that a 14-year-old boy literally losing all body autonomy by becoming an old man's literal puppet for an unspecified amount of time is as close to the concept as possible without actually being the concept. (Edit: sadly, I no longer think this was only metaphorical. There's no way to explain his utter indifference at torturing Mortys, in the particular fashion that he did, unless he concluded that they'd be having a MUCH EASIER time than HE had.)
Of course, this is just a theory. We don't know if anything like this has happened. However, the truth is that while we've seen plenty of miserable Mortys in the Citadel, none of them seem to be as angry, traumatized, nor desperate as Evil Morty. They all managed to smile, or find companionship among each other, or even among Ricks (Cop Rick, I'm looking at you). Evil Morty is the only one who did completely messed up things to an extreme scale without batting an eyelid, just so he could get as far away as possible. He didn't exactly seem to enjoy his journey to freedom, either.
His face here as he finishes the transmitter reads to me as a particularly sad and defeated "...I'm really doing this, then" thought.
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And (like actual sexual abuse victims) it's not likely he could have safely unburdened himself by sharing the secret of what happened to him with someone in the Citadel. Another Rick might have taken advantage of him in the same way, once he realized the opportunity was available.
Not to mention that by telling someone he would risk hearing some variation of "you asked for it by being cocky and not doing what you were told" or "being completely controlled by a Rick was the best thing that ever happened to you, you finally stopped doing dumb mistakes". The Rick who puppeteered him could have also framed it as "I'm doing this for your sake, because you keep getting yourself injured in adventures".
And he mustn't let himself react overly emotionally or go into hysterics about it, because then he'll get mind-blown and forget everything that happened (roofied, much?) and be vulnerable to it again. Or, even worse, he may be discarded as "defective" and end up in that Morty slaughterhouse... So he must really tone down his emoting.
He could have theoretically confessed to another Morty, but we've already seen Mortys throwing each other under the bus in their bid to survive. I wouldn't like my chances, personally.
So it seems to me that he be stuck in the Citadel, simming in his own fear, grief and anger with no one to confide to (although gaining a level-up in confidence (cockyness, if you want) given that he successfully orchestrated his own escape attempt). Either living in the lousy conditions of Morty Town, surrounded by clueless Mortys who, if ever discovered that he could get mind-controlled might tip off a Rick in exchange of a better quality of life. Or partnering with a Rick, living every day in fear that his secret might get revealed accidentally and that he'd end up dissected and studied, or simply controlled once again. (It would be even more dangerous if his Rick was wanted by the Citadel, and Evil Morty was in danger of getting executed for assisting him.) And, of course, we know that Citadel Ricks do not form lasting bonds with their Mortys. Even if his secret was never discovered, Evil Morty would find neither peace, nor family in the company of the Rick of the Day who adopted him.
I also think there is a lot of internalized victim blaming among the Mortys in the citadel. At some point he might have been convinced that he really did ask for it by not behaving. And this puts the eyepatch in a... different perspective. It made sense that he used the eyepatch initially, that's pretty much the only place where he could put his transmitter. But after he gained access to aaaaall the Citadel's tech as president, he built a lot of cool things. Couldn't he have built a better interface, one that doesn't require an eyepatch?
I mean... he definitely improved the eyepatch itself. In the beginning he had to connect it with his implanted cables manually:
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But after he became president, it appears that it connects automatically. No longer necessary to stick your fingers in your own eye socket (yayyy).
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It's unclear if the cables themselves are still there (they might be!) but some part of the original implant definitely remains. However, why still use an eyepatch at all? However he may have started off originally, we can't really say that he incapable of performing surgery to himself by the time season 7 rolls in because we saw him have a plethora of body augmentations, and yet he still wears an eyepatch. Couldn't he have also altered the implant in his brain so that he keeps any potential perks but no longer needs an external eyepatch?
Sure, maybe he enjoys triggering Rick's fear of pirates (even though he wears it when he is alone outside the CFC). Or maybe he thinks he looks cool wearing it. Or maybe he's just an angsty teenager.
Or... Well... if the whole experience is a source of shame and self-blame for him, he may be metaphorically hiding the place of intrusion... or, conversely, a physical reminder that he managed to literally cut himself free might make him feel better. I tend to think it's the latter.
This is all just a theory. Maybe he simply is evil.
Or maybe he's heartbroken by being constantly discarded in the "adoption" program of the Morty Market to the point where he felt he would explode. Ricks scouring the universe for Mortys meant that blowing the CFC was the only way he could be left alone in peace.
...But I'm leaning towards him having one more reason to run away as far as he can without looking back.
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(and as of now, I get the feeling that he hasn't run away far enough)
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sapphic-agent · 1 year ago
I know that this isn't a problem unique to MHA, and this isn't even a new complaint within the fandom, but the way the series deals with trauma (physical and mental) is off-putting.
Eri endures years upon years of isolation and abuse? Well, all she needs is a song and dance, and now she's smiling! Because of this, she's completely and 100% recovered from what all Overhaul put her through!
1A endures villain attack after villain attack after villain attack? Well, we've offered them counseling, not that they've been showing signs of burgeoning PTSD or anything, so they really don't need it!
Izuku mentally and physically pushes himself past his breaking point during the Dark Izuku arc, going without food, sleep, and ignoring his unhealed injuries? Obviously, all he needs is for 1A to drag him back by force and make him take bath! He's 100% good as new now!
I've already complained enough about Bakugou's bullying, so I won't rehash that.
Sir Nighteye repeatedly disregards All Might's boundaries in the name of protecting him from a horrible future, using two teenagers as a means to an end in this regard? It's okay! He had a point all along, and he truly cared!
Aizawa, Present Mic, and Midnight lose an incredibly close friend in a freak accident during their school days? Midnight's feelings aren't even explored, Present Mic neglects his own grief in favor of Aizawa, and Aizawa uses his grief as an excuse to be an asshole to everyone around him and play God with his students' futures, with NO ONE calling out his behavior as what it is.
I think the overarching problem with MHA is that Horikoshi simply doesn't know how to handle the subject of trauma or how victims can be affected by it.
It think it's why characters like Izuku, Todoroki, Eri, etc. don't feel like real people sometimes. Because if he actually focuses on their trauma, he also has to make them more complex and complexity can be very ugly. If he keeps them surface-level (Izuku being friendly/saving others, Todoroki being blunt/dry, and Eri being a cute kid), he doesn't have to get into the nitty gritty of their characters.
It would also mean making it about 20x harder to redeem Bakugou and Endeavor.
If we had more than vague flashbacks of Endeavor abusing 5 year old Todoroki, beating Rei and pushing her into insanity, and willfully neglecting Touya as his mental health deteriorates more and more, he would be seen as a lot more than simply overzealous and misguided ambition that got out of hand. He would be seen as a monster. Horikoshi has to keep flashbacks of the Todoroki family surface-level or Endeavor's redemption wouldn't have been nearly as well-received.
And of course we've gone over Bakugou. He has to saturate Bakugou with comedy or the shit he pulls would come off a lot more disturbing. If every scene with him was like the Battle Trials, he wouldn't be looked upon nearly as favorably. He wouldn't be funny or endearing (he isn't to me anyway, but I'm talking about in general), he would just be deranged and violent.
There's also the fact that Horikoshi tries his best to keep things lighthearted. I think it's because he's more comfortable doing so and it explains why Dark Deku was so disappointing. To shroud the story in a darker tone- especially with a character he tries to keep light and cheery at all times- really didn't work for him.
I think the proof is in him keeping so many characters alive when they should have died. He is unable to write the affect characters like Gran Torino and Bakugou dying would have on Izuku which is why he couldn't commit himself to killing them off.
Problem with Aizawa is that no one (Horikoshi included) sees a problem with his behavior. He's justified in his "tough love" and is seen as such a good teacher. Although for Midnight and Present Mic, I feel as though he just doesn't bother giving them any depth at all. Midnight only exists for perverted jokes and Mic is simply supposed to be a contrast for Aizawa (a prop really). He actually did start to give Midnight depth and character, but it was only like five minutes before killing her off😐
(It would have been nice if Midnight being an R-rated hero was a product of society. Her being sexualized her whole life because of her quirk/appearance and just deciding to embrace it because it was the only way to reasonably become a hero has always been my headcanon. Her civilian clothes aren't revealing (not that that really matters) and when it comes to being a hero she's very sweet and encouraging and so unlike what we see usually. When she was being interviewed about her costume, she actually started to give a really good answer before Horikoshi decided to make a cat fight out of it. That really sums up the story as a whole, it starts off really deep and intricate before eventually being interrupted by juvenile jokes and unnecessary situations)
I really wish we could have seen more of Eri's recovery. I feel like her trauma is really overlooked/ignored outside of being a plot device to be saved by Izuku and Mirio. I think the light novel of Aizawa having Bakugou of all people watch her is proof of that. Why on Earth would he take the chance that Bakugou- someone who has repeatedly dismissed others' trauma, attacked those weaker than him, and been insensitive to others' feelings, and has a destructive quirk- could trigger her? Why use Eri- an abused, traumatized kid- as a tool to make Bakugou better? But sure, Aizawa is such a good teacher, right?
(Seriously, what the fuck?)
Someone needed to tell Nighteye to shut the fuck up. This doesn't really contribute anything to this post, but I needed to say it. There's literally nothing good about him (HE STRAPPED HIS SUBORDINATE TO A TICKLE MACHINE TO FORCE HER TO LAUGH)
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cinamun · 1 year ago
Hey Cina, I know the RRR/BBC is rn conversing about Rah/Dira and generational trauma, but can I go Blackwards for a moment to a few of the minor characters. Regarding Hope's pretty but troubled MIL, Miss Mercy, just wanted to ask if we have seen the last of Sean and if we will ever get a backstory glimpse into how that night went, if either got caught up in emotions (they both seem emotionally labile, though I still think if you went that direction it would make for an interesting dynamic due to who Sean is... in more than one person's life.) Plus we've assumed her last time in the problematic penthouse was with you know who. But maybe it wasn't... Also, Amaya's family? Who are they? Will there be a glimpse of them? Has Indya & Darren or DJ for that matter met her family? Hopefully they aren't toxic. Her features and skintone give off a vibe like her parents are from the Caribbean. And now Black to the Future questions: I was also was going to ask if Rah is redeemable, because there tends to be a throw away society mentality towards black men that have "issues" in RL & in books/entertainment so I was hoping he was/is redeemable, but I think I am getting a hint that there may be a move on from Rah and possibly ol' boy Ryke since Dira is young and may not have the same mindset as Hope regarding dating. To conclude, just two observations: How do I know since 2015(?) or was it 2017 that Indie has grown up and embraced her grown-woman-with-children crown? She came to her eldest daughter's house in Jerilee swag: house slippers. :D And not cute bougie ones at that! Plus of course how she is handling Hope's new mom freak outs and Dira and DJ's underdeveloped brain decisions.
2nd Observation: I laugh every time you slip in the official RRR/BBC logo of Raven's knowing look every now and then. :D :D :D
OOOOH Friend!! That's a lot! But you already know how we do so....
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As for any potential MerSean shenanigans, I gotta hit you with the stay tuned. There are SEVERAL members of this here Badass Book Club™ who are shipping them HARD. Because why not? They look damn good together
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Sean must have good dick if he pulled Indya for as long as he did and that is important given that good dick is a weak spot for Miss Mercy....
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..... but I digress.
Now on to Amaya Griffin. If and only If she and DJ last will we get a glimpse into her home life. But you're on to something with those island roots.
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Amaya's mother is Sulanese.
As for your questions, LET'S GO!!
A) was going to ask if Rah is redeemable, because there tends to be a throw away society mentality towards black men that have "issues" in RL
You are absolutely right, and this was a key issue earlier in the story with Darren. You had to be there friend! TABLES WERE THROWN!! HANDS WERE CAUGHT!! It was THE WILD WEST in the BBC™ where on one side, we hated Darren and wanted his ass thrown out for how he treated our girl. There were those who even thought Indya DESERVED it because she was often quite fucking bogus! I had a reckoning with my DAMN self about Darren and decided to write his growth journey which I am STILL writing. In other words, once we decide to throw someone away, we just do it. I wanted to challenge that for many reasons, one of them being the one you stated.
You can imagine, then, that while Rah did something entirely fucked up, I am willing to at least understand (and maybe others are too), that there are factors in his life that may be caused these unfortunate series of events. Imagine having a mom who is never there for you and everyone in your school has seen her sex tape. Not saying these are excuses, just saying....
Anyway, we gotta stay tuned to see if Rahul is a character who even sticks around. Indira is about to have a birthday and she could choose to cut off boffum. We shall see.
B) How do I know since 2015(?) or was it 2017 that Indie has grown up and embraced her grown-woman-with-children crown?
Maybe i'm reading this wrong, and if I am, please clarify in another ask but.... how can you NOT know? She's in house slippers (I thought they were cute) because she was there to clean in a full lace front and cute little joggers (Mercy was too except for the lace front). There will always be bougie Indya which is why you will refer to her as Queen Muva around Dem Babies™ lmfao
I think Indya has absolutely embraced her grown woman and I thought it was glaringly obvious.
Especially here:
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And of course here:
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frickinsleepdeprived · 2 years ago
This one's gonna be a bit outta left field - smash or pass with the Hashira + Demons (excluding the minors) and why XD only do this if you're comfortable!! No pressure!!
LMAO I am so comfortable with this weirdly enough let's fuckin gooooooooo-
Rengoku: Everyone's favorite hashira.... of course I'd smash LMAO. I just think that he's just uber attractive for absolutely no reason, the pretty hashira if you will. But of course that's not the only reason why I'd smash, I mean look at the guy. He's got a heart of gold, always looking out for his little brother and even his dad (although canonically he is a scum of the earth) not to mention we're close in age. Regardless though, 10/10 would absolutely smash.
Sanemi: This one's a little hard to define for myself, I guess it'd depend on the situation but ultimately I'd say its 50/50. He seems a little rough in personality, which isn't a bad thing at all but man if that translates into sex I think I'm okay with not smashing unless I'm genuinely in the mood 😅
Gyomei: He's too wholesome and too giving, despite the fact that he's blind. And yes while I find the man attractive in both physical regards and personality, I'm gonna have to pass. I couldn't bring myself to I'm sorryyyyyyy
Obanai: okay, he hates women, definitely likes Mitsuri more than any other girl, and just overall hates people. I can definitely say that we're both alike in those regards. Not to mention he's also rather attractive AND CLOSE TO MY AGE- I would smash, definitely would. We've got too much in common for me to not want to lol
Shinobu: No, absolutely would pass. I'm not saying that smashing a girl is a bad thing at all bc homophobia isn't my thing. But man she's just... I can't justify it other than she's just out of my league man I would never have a chance 😭
Mitsuri: we're close in age, not to mention she's one hell of a girl all in looks, personality, and on the battlefield. But at the same time her relationship trauma and marriage interview trauma would probably hold her back and I don't want to make the poor girl uncomfortable. Mitsuri, love ya, but I'm gonna have to pass for your sake
Giyuu: I meeeeeeaaaaaaannnnnn 👀👀👀👀 LMAO I'M SORRY BUT HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN????? 1000% would SMASH. Okay okay, he's been through a lot of loss and is rather antisocial, fine by me I'm kinda the same way. But at the same time I feel like if there was an establishment of a connection, I'd definitely go for it. But overall, yes, I'd smash lol
Tengen: I would absolutely smash, but not for the reasons you'd think. This is a guy I'd actually feel safe having sex with. The way he cares for his wives I'm sure he'd give to anyone he has a one night stand or committed relationship with. Like yes, the flashiness and riches are a major plus, like yes please spoil me rotten, but do it with the care that you show me. And he'd do exactly that, so yes, I'd no doubt SMASH-
Yoriichi: Smash. One hundred percent. I don't know why but his calm demeanor is just so ATTRACTIVE WTF- also he seems like the type to be a closeted freak IM SORRY BUT IT HAD TO BE SAID- But all that aside the answer is yes I'd smash 😅
Kokushibo: um???? Is that a question????? 100% would SMASH despite how rough it might be, and this is only because HAVE YOU SEEN THE PHYSIQUE ON THAT DEMON LIKE HOLY FUCK YES P L E A S E-
Akaza: I would but at the same time I wouldn't? Idk how I really feel about a happy-go-lucky demon all up in my stuff BUT I feel like if that were to translate into sex he'd probably be a pretty passionate partner. So yes, my decision is final, 50/50 on this one.
Douma: I mean I would smash, but definitely not that often. He seems like he'd be a pretty passionate lover, much like Akaza, but ik mans could snap me in half like a stick with a smile on his face (as any other demon would). But I'd still smash lol
Muzan: Michael Jackson who?? LMAO okay okay but in all seriousness I would smash, but this is STRICTLY if I was a demon. And only because this is the king of demons we're talking about and honestly, would I really be able to handle all of that as a human? But then again humans aren't immune to desire and I'd probably still smash if I were human lol. So yes, the answer is that I'd definitely smash.
I have never been so open and honest on the internet ever LMAO but I hope you guys enjoyed this! Let me know what you want to see next!
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Sorry I'm jumping on your post, op. I was having similar thoughts, from a different direction- Karen and Joyce
I was thinking about how differently they're perceived (and consequently how Mike/Will are perceived), and how much of their actual differences are just circumstantial. Fandom has a tendency to present the Wheeler family as a whole in the worst light, both because we're primed to do so with Nancy's "screw that" speech (nevermind that she was specifically talking about her parents' relationship being loveless....not the entire freaking family wtf), and because... Apparently Mike NEEDS to have ten different traumas to be sympathetic enough.
But honestly? Mike through the show is almost more spontaneously open to Karen (emotionally) than Will is to Joyce. His first reaction upon finding El is telling his mother. He doesn't coz El literally does not let him.
Not to say that Will and Joyce don't have a great relationship- they do. But Joyce isn't some perfect mother (she wouldn't be such a good character if she was) and Karen isn't a bad mother.
In the same season we have Joyce explicitly telling Jonathan that she feels guilty about not being around more because she's always working, and that she's gonna try to do better.
Will only opens up to Joyce in s2 when he's pretty much forced to. He opens up to Jonathan and Mike before that- in fact, the person Will is most open with, the person he depends on the most, is Jonathan consistently. Jonathan raised Will, and their behaviour shows that.
Mike seeks his mother for comfort at his lowest points. Without El telling Mike that it would put Karen in danger, he would have most definitely told her about El, thus pulling her into the plot in some capacity in S1.
If it were Mike who had been taken in S1, then you can bet he would have tried to contact Karen exactly how Will tried to contact Joyce. Duh. And of course, Karen would have moved heaven and earth to find him, exactly how Joyce did for Will. She would have yelled at Hopper, she would have given that classic "go to hell" to Brenner.
As mothers, Karen and Joyce are hella similar, and their differences are LARGELY due to the circumstances of the show- putting distance between Karen and her kids and bringing Joyce closer to hers. The other large difference between them is socio-economic- Karen is a stay-at-home mom, she has the time and resources to be present in her kids' daily life, and she is! Joyce doesn't, and it leads to Jonathan and Will forming an abnormally close unit.
Even freaking Ted, he's a conservative government bootlicker, but he's NOT abusive. He's made some ambiguous yet pointed statements, but we've seen Lonnie straight up try to profit off his child's death. Ted cares about his children- we've seen him taking care of Holly while every single other Wheeler was off doing shit. He complains, "our children don't live here anymore". He's too apathetic to reach out, he's entirely unrelatable to the rest of his family, he's 10x times more conservative- but holy shit, it takes a special kind of privileged audacity to conflate this with actual abuse. Ted is like, half the fathers of this world.
(This is pointed at the people who say that Mike's home life was as bad as Max/Will re: Lonnie)
(Also- it's funny that people will argue that Mike and Max are the same, but then turn around at the Mike-Ted parallels and say "yea! That's just there for laughs. That's just there to show how bad mvn is!")
But yea!! All this to say- the Wheelers are the most mid of Upper Middle class families. Their collective theme is conformity- which is by definition bound by the majority. They exist in the middle ground, unlike the Byers and the Mayfields.
I think, in trying to make Mike more uwu or tragic or sympathetic, we lose the core of his canon arc. He's never been abused, but he's seen abuse. He's never been the target of homophobic bullying, but his best friend has. Simply witnessing is enough, though. He witnesses, and he knows that he's been kept safe from it all by the Wheeler Normal-ness, and he leans into that safety.
Which is completely fine. It IS a choice you can sympathise with without changing his whole character. Sometimes conformity is the better choice, and he's the only party member who's actually in a position to MAKE that choice. Will never had a choice. Lucas didn't. Dustin didn't. El didn't. Max didn't. Only Mike does.
I don't think people appreciate the potential in that? People take it as an offense to suggest that Mike is somehow "less freaky/outcast" than his friends, but in truth, he's just the only one who can actually go under the radar.
(I like him going under the radar btw. Relatable invisible gay rep. Hidden in plain sight gay rep. Always-assumed-to-be-straight gay rep)
He tries, and it makes him so fundamentally unhappy. When he chooses to stop trying- it's not because he never had the choice, it's because he concluded that not conforming is just more rewarding.
But yanno. For any of that to matter, they actually need to....let him be him.
The party doesn't exist to give Mike depth.
Max isn't Mike.
No matter how much you say "same character different font," it won't make it true. Mike will never have Max's plot line. If the writers wanted to give Mike Max's arc, they would have written him differently--like Max.
It's mind boggling that Max can have a heart wrenching arc focused on her mental health, complex relationship with her abusive brother, and her intense guilt, then people go: "Wow, that's great, but doesn't that remind you of Mike?!? Vecna's after Mike!!" *clapping seal noises*
Let's strip away some important social differences in Max and Mike's backgrounds.
Class (low income vs. upper-middle class income)
Family life (verbally + physically abusive vs. emotionally distant household)
California vs. small town Indiana cultural differences (more liberal vs. more conservative)
Socialization (Mike is the leader of a large friend group vs. Max spending majority of her time with Lucas then El)
So: if we remove most of their environment, then Mike and Max are more similar (snarky, independent, and prickly). I guess we're going to ignore their other conflicting traits, for example: Max's skepticism vs. Mike's optimistic lean, Max's introversion vs. Mike's extroversion, self-confidence (S2-S3 Max has greater self-confidence than Mike, S4 both are low), communication styles (Max: straightforward, Mike: abstract).
Has anyone here heard of the "nature vs. nurture" debate on what determines a person's characteristics? Yes, no, maybe so? To cut to the chase, the answer is both. People are beholden to their personality, as well as their environment (their social lives). A huge part of being a human are your relationships to others (family, friends, pets, coworkers, enemies, places, role models etc). Writers make characters three-dimensional by fleshing out these connections and having them impact the narrative.
If you have to ignore how the writers wrote two extremely different backgrounds to justify your interpretation, you're wrong. If you're only favoring S4, because you think--besides Max--Mike had the hardest time in high school, you're also wrong. Newsflash! High school was shitty for everyone.
In their introduction to The Piggyback script, the Duffers wrote:
Like a lot of people, high school was a very challenging time for us — you’re facing the pressure of figuring out your future at the same time you are trying to fit in, or even just trying to understand who you are. It’s a lot to take on at that age and it can leave you feeling hopeless, like there’s no end to the uncertainty in sight. This emotional truth was at the center of Vecna. In many ways a physical representation of anxiety and depression, he is an evil force that leeches on youth’s frailty. The devil on your shoulder, the dark whisper in your ear.
The S4's main plotline centered on Max to discuss the above (since she was constructed to be the most vulnerable character), but please remember: everyone in the party was struggling.
During counseling, Ms. Kelly pointed out Max had a C in English and a C-minus in Spanish. You know who else had bad grades? Dustin (D-minus in Latin), Mike (C in Spanish), and El (failing Math).
Ms. Kelly also questioned Max's poor sleeping habits, headaches, and nightmares. No one else in the party experienced these symptoms, because Vecna didn't target them. End of story.
Ms. Kelley pointed out that Max wasn't being truthful. You know who else wasn't being truthful? Mike, Will, El, and Lucas (to an extent).
Does that mean that everyone is going to have Max's plot line in S5? No, because that is an erroneous conclusion. Each character has their own trajectory. The beauty of the party is: their different skills and backgrounds complement one another, allowing them to successfully collaborate and--ultimately--achieve victory.
Please stop cherry-picking pieces of Max's arc in order to satisfy your urge to cobble together a more palatable Mike. It's time to interrogate why you insist Mike is your favorite, when you actually want him to become Max (As El said, "Why do you lie?").
If you come away from this thinking I hate Mike, the call is coming from inside the house.
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dedahblog · 2 years ago
I know that the ichiiruki fandom likes to ship Ichigo and Rukia's zanpakto together but honestly I don't think Zangetsu and Sode no Shirayuki can get along.
As far as the anime portrayal is concerned, Sode no Shirayuki is basically a tsundere and who's between Ichigo and Zangestu is the tsundere ?
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I think you get where I'm going. Silly drabble under the cut about Ichigo x Sode no Shirayuki brotp potentials
Ichigo : ...
Sode no Shirayuki : ...
Ichigo : Nice weather, right?
S n S : ...
Ichigo: So ! Chappy told me you're the only all white zanpaktou.
S n S : ...
Ichigo : and the most beautiful one ever created
S n S : You lowly human, are you trying to court me ?
Ichigo : We've been silently staring at each other for 2 hours waiting for Zangetsu and Rukia to come back. I'm just trying to make small talks and what was that gross thing you just said right now ?! Don't even joke about it, idiot.
S n S : All that talk about being the most beautiful zanpakto is meaningless. What does a sword get from being beautiful ? If anything the beauty of the zanpakto is the reflection of the soul of its weilder.
Ichigo (scratching the back of his neck slightly smiling) Ha... Rukia admires you a lot. I'm happy you feel the same.
S n S : W-what are you talking about ? Who feels the sa- I'm just stating facts ! It's not like I'm writing poems about Rukia sama in my spare time or anything !
Ichigo : Hey ! Hey ! What's wrong with writing po- I-I mean who cares about that ! It's not like Rukia is that pretty pretty pretty
S n S : How dare you badmouth Rukia sama you lowly-
Ichigo : I never said Rukia isn't pretty pretty ! I'm saying she's just pretty pretty pretty. See ! You're the one denying your feelings for her !
S n S : Well, I never said she's pretty pretty. I'm just saying if you want to call her pretty pretty pretty you should at least call her pr-
That's when, Rukia and Zangetsu came back from the bunny theme festival.
Three days ago, Ichigo was willing to go with Rukia and was actually excited despite his "Hmm, I guess I have no other choice."
It was until he saw the tv ad, that he swore he would never go to "this childish festival" "Like who do you think I am ?? I have a reputation ! Your creepy rabbit obse- aarg" **Rukia's violence on Ichigo**
Of course, this was only an excuse.
The real reason was that he saw someone dressed as a bunny in the tv ad with a similar outfit to the one from a horror manga he watched when he was 6.
A movie that traumatized him ever since.
He didn't even have to ask Zangetsu to go instead of him because the latter was already aware of Ichigo's trauma.
As a part of his soul, he also watched that movie simultaneously and was also freaked out when he saw that tv ad.
However, he thought that if he let Ichigo go to that festival, all his inner world would filled with creepy serial killer bunny and Zangestu wouldn't be able to rest even one eyelid.
That's why he went.
Aside from the fact Rukia insisted on having a photo with that bunny in particular, the festival wasn't that disastrous experience. Althought the cheesy cuteness of the chappy dance was too much for him to handle, Rukia's company made it worth it
To sum up, Zangetsu was glad it was over until he saw Ichigo and Sode no Shirayuki yelling at each other.
Rukia,on the other hand, was deeply concerned. She had never seen the calm and collected Sode no Shirayuki so heated up. But seeing her indulging Ichigo's idiocies warmed her heart "She's an idiot after all. I'm glad they get along, right Zangetsu ? "
However, Zangetsu wasn't impressed at all. He said to himself "King has found someone who's going to fuel his tsundere behavior even more". Him being the first victim of Ichigo's emotional constipation and inner frustrations, he braces himself for the dark future awaiting for him.
Zangestu : Let's go back do that tummy bunny dance challenge.
Rukia : I thought you said on the name of murder and blood lust, you would never do it
Zangetsu : Well, I need something to stop reminding me of some dark upcoming events and this dumb challenge is the only thing that can help me right now.
Rukia : (too concerned to notice he insulted chappy) ... do you need to talk about it ?
Zangetsu: I wish I could tell you.
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littlealeta · 2 years ago
Rick's growing this, Rick's character developing that. Have you ever heard of Character Derailment? I'm just asking because I just found out about this and am reading up on it and omg does this fit PERFECTLY with how these characters have been treated in this goddamn show since season freaking 3. Because character development from what I seen is usually the gradual change of a character, sometimes it even involves a devastating consequence that makes the character feel so much remorse that they have to fix their mistakes and themselves. And Rick has the worst character development I ever seen like I don't remember even seeing character development as rushed and contrived as Rick's and I'm saying this as someone who watches a bunch of MOVIES. MOVIES FOR KIDS MORESO. This is a tv show and Rick has already went through changes that usually isn't seen in someone until toward the end of the story. I've seen character assassination but whatever the mess is that the show is treating as "growth"? Wtf is that bs?
Heel-face Turn (when poorly executed) that completely fits Rick. He hung out with some damn crows and all of a sudden is somehow okay with somebody teaching him empathy? AFTER CONSTANTLY TRYING TO AVOID THERAPY AND PUSHING AWAY A SUPPORT SYSTEM IN TONY AND EVEN INITIALLY REJECTING THE CROWS FOR TEACHING HIM EMPATHY? He's more problematically meek toward Morty and Summer even when they're misbehaving or knowing that his meek actions could cause consequences (which has been happening since season 5 but is more emphasized here), being less depressed and drinking less, and apologizing and being overall buddy buddy with Jerry? Rick no longer afraid to show kindness and love to people despite the possibilities of the universe taking them away? Everyone else, he still acts like Rick but this doesn't make it any better. Derailed characters can still retain certain traits that they had before, they're just 180'd all of a sudden in certain traits out of nowhere.
Now let's look at seasons 1-2 before they screwed him over in season 3 by making him more psychopathic than ever. Rick warming up to Summer and helps her beat the devil and allowing her to join the team? Starting to spend more normal time with his grandchildren instead of constant dangerous adventures like watching tv and playing? Rick allegedly helping Morty with his science homework a bit after rebuffing him iirc? Rick hugging and admitting to his grandchildren (with denial but still) that he loves them instead of rebuffing them and calling Morty a human shield? Rick deciding to stop running away from his problems once reality hits him and he is on the run and actually do something that doesn't benefit himself that gets royally screwed over in the season 3 premiere? While also still being a selfish, morally questionable, cocky, hotheaded, insulting butthole? THAT'S CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. It's gradual, it's more well paced, and it's realistic to how trauma survivors and buttholes actually heal. And it didn't use a stupid two crows bs, it just had to have Rick bond with his grandchildren more before taking a liking to them and wanting to do more with them than just his twisted fantasies of what he wants. He's grown an attachment to his family enough to start caring about what's best for them instead of what's best for him. But of course y'all ignore it because it's more subtle and not your idealistic fantasies of 180 changes. And not to mention we've seen several times before the dumb crow crap Rick feeling sorry for himself for being so terrible but he stays the same. Because he doesn't know how to change. Because he isn't getting the help he needs and that's REALISTIC. So why are two crows the thing to change Rick?
You over here accusing others of toxic dudebros wanting Rick to be a butthole and idiolizing Rick but that's not the frigging point here. We're talking from a writing standpoint that you guys don't understand. Rick being a quirky, hyper, bubbly, no-nonsense butthole was how the story started and that's what the original creators envisioned before fake fans like Scott Marder came in and ruined it with his idealistic fanfiction of what he wants the show to be. Now it's a very different show like the other crap didn't happen. I think you just like it because not only will you Rick and Morty fans take almost anything that's not inc*st but because you idealize that sort of thing. You wish for that kind of thing for yourself and for other people. We all wish that two magical crows would come down and change us into better people but that's not what freaking happens. This is what sucks about this whole thing. What I would've preferred is not do a freaking transition episode like the two-part season 5 finale to get Rick and Morty's dynamic back to when it was less toxic in the first two seasons. Just pretend seasons 3-5 never happened and get Rick back to being a quirky, hyperactive, cheerful dude and Morty back to being an innocent, naive, normal child instead of two miserable edgelords fighting over bs. Actually have a REAL consequence similar to the wedding situation that causes Rick to finally decide he needs to change. If you hadn't focused on this stupid crap of Morty being more and more like Rick while Rick is the other way around, you could've had a plot where Morty get fed up with Rick, takes the portal gun, and leaves, maybe getting into trouble, causing Rick to freak out enough to when he reconciles with him, that he wants to change to prevent this from ever happening again.
Character development is not Rick losing his quirks, no-nonsense agency, and charisma to become an empty shell of his former self. Character development is not two crows coming to magically change someone in a snap of a finger. Character development is not abruptly throwing away Morty's arc and becoming pathetically needy towards Rick. Rick is in a toxic family, he deserves to stand up for himself and not be the meek little idiot he is now.
Character development can be negative and we can see Morty and even Summer becoming more and more angrier and crueler but they were gradual. Morty over the course of the entire series is seen getting angrier and more defiant of Rick but didn't get edgy until season 3.
Maybe this is leading to something. Maybe this is signifying Rick's story is about to end or something huge is coming up that could break or regress Rick. Hopefully it's one of these things because this is ridiculously eerie. But whatever happens, it's not going to excuse how shoddily they have treated Rick.
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lordymaru · 4 years ago
I'm about to refute this entire essay with the simple explanation being:
The only interaction we've seen of these two is when she's a freaking 8 year old. Your self insert shows no boundaries.
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And this is probably the last time I'll make a post about the stupidity behind the way the pair is viewed:
Note: I know there's people out there with a brain who ship these two in a more conventional way. In the end you do you, ship whatever you want, no one can prevent you from doing that, just don't be gross about it.
One of the parts being the Significance of their first encounter:
She’s a poor peasant girl who’s suffered immense trauma, suffering, and loneliness. Her initiative to help Sesshomaru came from her generosity
Exactly, she's alone for her family had been killed before her eyes, the villagers treat her like garbage. When she meets Sess he's wounded and simply in a bad state, both mentally and physically. Both of them are, the difference being he's a demon, a powerful one and for him to have ended in such a bad shape only stabbed at his pride- Rin on the other hand is a child, a human tiny child who is vulnerable and to him she poses no threat. Both of them are weak then.
At this point, it’s observable that despite knowing her story, her scars, and her difficulties, humans do not even empathize, let alone sympathize with Rin. It is the feudal era, after all. She’s a young, disabled orphan and the villagers only see her for what she lacks: a voice, a family, and a place of belonging.
Again with your feudal era shit. I can assure you the world is just as ugly today as it was before you and I existed. Next.
When he asks about her bruises, this is the first time anyone had ever afforded her a second glance.
This was a huge step forward for Sess, a huuuuuuge one for he showed interest in another living creature, not just any creature but a human. And for her it was probably like Christmas, for no one had showed her any mercy or interest. Ok you get a point. But oh, boy, how I'm about to spit on the next one:
The audience can see Sesshomaru calculate her body language, recognizing that she is mute. Instead of pressing her further or ignoring her outright, he attempts to comfort her (in his own way), making her feel that it is okay if she chooses not to answer him; that her desire to reply to him should only be a desire, not an obligation. I think, on one hand, that was the first moment of something that would resemble compassion that Sesshomaru had ever administered, trying to put himself in her shoes — if someone had asked him to do something that required, for example, his left arm, he probably would have appreciated them saying “you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to” so to provide him agency for something that he actually cannot do. And the same goes for Rin. He recognizes her disability, maybe even resonates with it and decides to empower her with a choice. Choice is important when it comes to the Sesshomaru/Rin dynamic and it’s a word that will come up often. 
Ok why are you comparing the loss of his arm to her not being able to talk? Not all disabilities are the same, you moron. Or am I dumb for thinking this way? If so, feel free to call me out on my lack of common sense kr whatever you wanna call it. Sess physically couldn't do shit with his left arm because well- it was gone! That's a physical disability. Rin had "lost" her voice after what she witnessed and so she wouldn't speak anymore. Have you heard of Psychogenic Dysphonia? If not, you can click here and give it a reading or do your own research. The more you know: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0892199703000158
So you say he "empowers her with a choice" that is "important when it comes to the Sesshomaru/Rin dynamic" let me get this straight, a choice because why? She's a child? A female? Because you said so yourself, it's the Feudal Era after all and therefore women had no choice in life, no voice, no agency, no nothing. So he was being magnanimous then? You know... This is where you start edging into the gr00ming territory. Can't you see? No? Alright, moving on.
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BRUH WHAT THE FUCK?! Are you fucking good? See how you self insert? Bye. Next
The next time Sesshomaru sees Rin, it is suggested that he actively sought her, whether it be by curiosity or concern for well-being
He did... It is not suggested, he actually did asdfhkl. For both curiosity and he probably was worried. He also states he wants to test out his sword, what a perfect chance to do so for Rin is pretty much dead and that's the only way to make his sword work. So she was both being a guinea pig and an itch he wasn't quite sure how to scratch. Next.
Silence Rin.
Rin screams endlessly, annoying Sesshomaru. Firstly, this is the first time we hear him call her by her name. Secondly, Sesshomaru is visibly annoyed by her noises, however, he does not tell her to “shut up” as he normally would with Jaken or even InuYasha. He simply says “enough of that Rin, stop it.” (In Japanese he says, “Silence, Rin. You make too much noise.”) Even analyzing the Japanese dialogue, it is evidently softer than Sesshomaru’s usual ‘kisama’ (貴樣) manner of speech that we see depicted usually. This is the first time he’s had a companion who is not a demon, someone with compassion, and who has had his general best interests at heart with no expectations in return. His softer tone is a logical deduction to make.
Ok... "someone with compassion, and who has had his general best interests at heart with no expectations in return." Bruh... As if he would even consider meeting someone's expectations. Are you sure you're talking about Sess? Another thing is, he always speaks in a calm tone, he rarely yells or loses his composure- he had no reason to be rude to her either, you're excusing his regular behavior simply because she ain't Jaken. Anything else?
Rin doesn't change Sesshomaru overnight, it's a gradual and long process
Well duh!!! Just like you don't lose the pounds you gained from eating in one sit 12 donuts a week ago. Stating the obvious and for what? What's exactly your mf point?
The silence part is important, idk how to tell you there is a power imbalance in their relationship from the moment he tells her to be quiet. He didn't say please, he didn't ask her to, he told her to be quiet. Like a parent would, if I could count the times my mom told me to shush.... That's your first indicator he is not her friend, he is not her equal.
Letting you Be Yourself: The Panther Demon Arc
the first frame the audience sees in the anime sets the scene, painting the Sessshomaru entourage in a serene manner, indicating a level of comfort between group members (episode 75). This is vastly different from our last depiction of Sesshomaru and Rin’s relationship. In episode 44, he was unable to withstand her (albeit annoying) childish antics. But here, it’s observable that Sesshomaru can accept her and her package of unconventional fun. Not only does he tolerate and even more so, accept Rin, but he accepts her influence on his vassal, Jaken and allows them to be free around him.
Is called developing patience. I can assure you that when you're a parent or an older bro/sis and your kid/younger sibling is noisy af you either learn to tolerate that or get used to it for kids are kids abd you have to let them be kids. Next.
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She's a child, she's not stupid.
The Abducted Rin: Calling her Name
The respect that Sesshomaru shows Rin is insurmountable. However, the InuYasha franchise is clever to portray the subtlety of Sesshomaru’s respect for her. KV on Twitter points out how highly he regards his companion and never relegates her to anything less than the value that she as a person embodies (@KVndie via Twitter). He consistently humanizes her. 
He only sees how important she is to him after her ass dies a second time. What do you mean? He respects her enough to not coddle her, she is independent and taught her to be self sufficient from the very start. That's respect. He consistently humanizes her because... She ... Is ... Human! OMG WHAT A SHOCKER!
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As Naraku remarks on his hostage to Sesshomaru, "Naturally, the girl you're looking for is not here…,” he continues, “the girl is in custody outside of the castle..." Naraku never makes an attempt to give her personhood, leaving her unnamed, disposable, and relegating her to a mere "girl." But Sesshomaru doesn’t take any of this. He is a cold-hearted Daiyokai, yet he still makes an effort and upholds his principle to refer to her as Rin — not a replaceable “girl.”
Naraku is a mf genius. It didn't quite click until now he wanted to see if she was important or not to him and to what extent. For he planned his moves that way, making people turn against one another. While he wouldn't have made Rin turn against Sess he set everything up so he would end up wanting to kill Kohaku and in doing so, Inugang would have engaged against Sess.
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Sesshomaru’s insistence on using Rin’s name isn’t only highlighted in this isolated incident though. It pays off. It is an ongoing theme in their dynamic throughout the series.
That's her name ... How you want him to call her? Baby?
I could go on and on but... This is a fucking essay. And then I stumble against more bullcrap:
The second point I want to highlight here is Sesshomaru’s reaction to Rin’s fall and her risky expedition. At this point, it’s unquestionable that Rin has a special place in his heart.
Of course she has a special spot in his heart. I won't deny that. What worries me is how you're trying to justify the way she's important to him since she was a child. As if his way of seeing her had changed.
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I'm gonna disagree by agreeing with you in a few pointers. Kagome and Kikyo were rivals, they both romantically love the same guy. Kagome being the only one who could save Kikyo chooses to help her, knowing damn well Inuyasha would have suffered if Kikyo had died- further more, if it was in Kagome's hands to do something about it.
Rin on the other hand, I will applaud to her how she grew past her fear of Kagura after being kidnapped by her, she saw her body in the river and said fuck it and did her best to try to pull her from the water. I loved how stubborn and brave she was, even tho Sess had to pull everyone out of the water- she deserves a gold star. You go baby girl!!!
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Rin later makes a cheeky comment, noting Kagura’s romantic interest in Sesshomaru. Jaken brushes this off as childish naivety. But for the spectator, this establishes two things: (1) That Rin does not see Kagura as a rival for Lord Sesshomaru’s attention, let alone affection; and (2) that Rin is still a child. Rin is certainly a child, with a youthful and fresh outlook on life that brings out the best in people. But even as a child, her relationship with Sesshomaru is incredibly healthy, clear, and surprisingly communicative.
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Why would she? She's not a spoiled brat
Nah? I thought her double D indicated otherwise. OF COURSE SHE'S A MF CHILD.
Why do you keep mentioning is healthy? Do you need reassurance of it? Communicative in what way? Cuz if you wanna talk about communication let's talk about how he didn't even acknowledge her ass when she gave birth. He didn't even say her name, didn't even look at her. Tell me now how they are communicative and healthy?
I could go on, I really but all I'm getting from this load of bullshit I'm forcing myself to read is how you do in fact need to reassure yourself thr ship is god tier and is... How you said it was? Ah, healthy.
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Anyways, thanks for reading and if you see any typo ... My apologies, I tried. Also if you have any input or I was out of line in some way, my apologies once more.
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ginjointsintheworld · 3 years ago
my google searches rn:
thomas fuller popular quote
thomas fuller love
who tf is thomas fuller
THIS is what happens when you accidentally binge, fall in love with the hot hardass doctor and her equally grumpy gf but the show has a sporadic air schedule and then goes on hiatus for two freaking months. crazy happens lmao. usually i don’t even watch the trailers for NA but thanks to that reviewer(he’s always so fair unlike some of the others)here i am, going all sherlock holmes because i need a crumb>:( btw the only quote that stood out to me but probably has nothing to do with anything was: He that cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself; for every man has need to be forgiven. it definitely doesn’t relate but it sounds nice so i thought id share lmao can’t believe this is where i am and the show doesn’t even try. imagine how much deeper id be if they actually made a good effort!?
ANON I FEEL YOU. i'm with you though, that reviewer is basically the only one i trust to give a balanced opinion on how good an episode is so now i'm in a tizzy. have never in my life heard of the name thomas fuller before today and now i'm googling his top 10 quotes 😭 i was between that quote and "It is said that the darkest hour of the night comes just before the dawn." but given the relationship between lauren and leyla so far and how the focus in these first 5 episodes of 4b were on lauren trying to atone for what she's done, the forgiveness quote would line up. i mean, helen’s words to lauren in 4x14 were literally “lauren, whatever you’ve done. you’ve got to let that go. you have to forgive yourself.” the quote could be referring to leyla forgiving lauren and maybe.... not to get my hopes up........ leyla acknowledging the extreme things she said in their fight in 4x10, that lauren tried to buy her by providing food and shelter and clothing, the basic necessities for life. which i still maintain was going too far on leyla's part.
of course i could very well be blowing smoke up my own ass! but i think narratively we've seen groundwork laid out to counteract the idea that those were ways lauren tried to own leyla and her saying so was a very hurtful and harsh blow. especially when leyla herself has spoken about what a struggle surviving was multiple times in 4x02 with the residents "privileged? 6 months ago i was living in my car," "i've always scraped by. done the best i could with what little i had" and again, the kind of toll it takes on a person in 4x09 with floyd in the OR, "when i came here, i couldn't shake the fear that i would lose everything. any minute. when you feel like that, you do anything you can to survive. you even put out fires with your bare hands and feet." not to mention the way leyla had to look away when lauren said "i tried to control you with money" with a tinge of dare i say regret. like????? WAS IT ALL JUST TO MAKE THE KNIFE HURT MORE GOING IN WRITERS???? OR WAS IT TO ESTABLISH NUANCE IN THEIR CHARACTERS AND HOW THEY EACH CARRY THEIR OWN TRAUMA AND BAGGAGE THAT COLOR THEIR IMPERFECT WAYS OF REACTING???
anyways! the people (me) need some promo pics from the episode to drop. i need more crumbs to survive these last 2 weeks.
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minhoslut · 5 years ago
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♡ summary: Y/N is a fairy in a world of magic hating humans, who moves into a house with seven young men after being kicked out of her old dorm. She learns about all their secrets while hiding hers for as long as she can. Lots of parties, games, sex and maybe even love.
♡ pairing: ot7 x fem!reader, fem!reader x various idols
♡ chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ? |
♡ series warnings: alcohol consumption, blood mention, drug use, mxm, fxf, threesome, foursome, orgy, swearing, anxiety, depression, past trauma, past abuse
♡ series genre: fluff, smut, slight angst
♡ series rating: R
♡ word count: 2114
♡ posted on: AO3
♡ chapter nine: girls like girls
You found yourself out on the deck soon after the party had begun, sipping a second Love Potion that Seokjin had made for you. Jungkook and Jimin joined you, and the three of you danced amongst the other people out on the deck. "Do you guys ever get tired of the parties?" You asked. You were sure they'd been doing the same thing for months, maybe years, so you were curious about their view. "I'll never get tired of partying! It's way too much fun to dance and drink with people." Jungkook said a grin on his face. Jimin nodded, "It's a nice way to mingle with others, plus watching people do dumb shit when they are drunk is fun as fuck!" You laughed at his comment, he wasn't wrong about that.
Finishing off your second drink, you left the two men outside as you headed over to the area where most people were dancing. It was hot, everyone so close together, grinding and twisting their bodies together. A girl with long brown hair in a short purple dress with a strappy open back that accentuated her waist caught your eye.
You made your way over to her swaying your body in time with hers and sending her a flirty smile. "Hi~ I'm Y/N, what's your name?" The girl smiled back at you and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "I'm Jennie, I love your dress! You look hot as fuck." You bite your lip, "I could say the same to you, that purple fits you so well~" Jennies hands find purchase on your waist while your own hook over her shoulders. Your legs slot together while the two of you grind and wave together. It's sensual, and the look in Jennies eye leads you to believe things will just get better. The eyeshadow she had on was glittering in the light, her winged liner sharp and precise, lips coated in shiny pink gloss. A small braid on each side of her head kept her bangs from distracting from her beauty.
You wondered if she modeled, she'd be perfect for it in your opinion. Jennie leaned in and whispered in your ear, her breath hot,  "Do you know a room around here where it's more private~" You brought her close and said, "I live here so we can go to my room." Jennie seemed slightly surprised but happy regardless as she pulled away and reached for your hand. You lead her through the maze of other bodies, then up the two sets of stairs to your room.
In your room, the two of you sat on the bed and Jennie leaned in and kissed you softly on the lips. You reciprocated easily, twisting your body so you were in her lap, and kissing her with more passion. Her hands kneaded at your ass while yours found their way to her boobs, the two of you as close as possible, lips locked in a wet embrace. Jennie reached up your back and began to undo your zipper, helping you shimmy out of the skin-tight dress before she took off her own leaving you both in your panties. She pushed you down on the bed so that she was now straddling you with her legs on either side of your waist, her hands beside your shoulders holding her top half just barely above yours.
Jennie started pressing hot kisses into the skin of your neck and along your collarbone, "So pretty~" She cooed between kisses, making you whimper beneath her. "Jennie~" You moaned keening into her, addicted to the feeling of her plush lips on your warm skin. Her skin was soft against your own, your tits rubbing against hers as she came up to kiss your lips once more. Your hands trailed down her body, feeling the warmth radiate off of her and onto you, your hands squeezed her ass earning you a moan. "Do you wanna do something more?" Jennie asked between kisses, "Sure~" You bit your lip as she sat up and moved off of you, pulling your thong down your legs and then removing her own.
She patted her thigh, so you crawled over and straddled it, then ran your hands down her body all the way to her sweet pussy. "Cute." You murmur brushing over the hair that's been shaved into the shape of a heart, making her giggle. Jennie pushed her leg up encouraging you to grind against the smooth skin of her thigh, which you did happily. You steadied yourself with a hand on her shoulder, leaving the other to rub against her clit. "Tell me how you like it, baby~" You said, moving your hand against her heat with slow but firm pressure, while still rolling your hips against her thigh.
"You're so wet for me, I can feel it on my leg." Jennie said, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear, "Put your fingers in, make me cum." You do as you're told, curling in the wet heat of her pussy, egged on by the moans falling from her lips. She holds your hips tightly, helping you to grind into her so that you could reach your own high. Both of your breathing speeds up as you get close, "Cum with me Y/N~" Jennie said before pushing her lips against yours to capture the wanton moans that were pouring from them. You cum with a shudder, your hips stuttering against her as she tightened around your fingers, cumming with you.
You lean your head against Jennies shoulder, breathing heavily as she pets your hair gently. "That was fun~ Maybe we can do it again sometime? Maybe ask one of the bangtan boys to join~" You looked up at her confused. "You can tell by how you talk to them there's chemistry, and I'm not looking for anything serious. The more the merrier!" She said with a wink, "Oh, I could bring one of my friends too, I bet she'd love it." You smile brightly, she seems to have a similar mindset to yourself. The two of you get dressed, and exchange phone numbers, then head down the stairs together.
You leave Jennie and head over to the kitchen to do some shots, finding your housemates already at the island. "Hey! Since we're all here let's do a shot for each of us." Taehyung suggested when you joined the seven men. "Fuck yeah!" You were in the mood to get blasted, and this seemed to be the perfect way. "Jin, can you make the rainbow shots?" Yoongi asked, causing a bright smile to appear on Seokjins lips. "Of course! It's my specialty after all~" He set about collecting glasses and the correct bottles of liquor.
"What are rainbow shots? I feel like I've heard of them but never done it." You asked, your curiosity apparent. "Basically Jin is gonna mix 8 drinks in different colours of the rainbow, then you take all eight in a row as fast as you can." Namjoon explained and you hummed in understanding. "That sounds fun, do we have enough shot glasses though?" You asked. Hoseok put a hand on your shoulder, "You underestimate the number of times we've done this. Haven't you seen the shot shelf?" You briefly recalled seeing such a thing but you hadn't paid much attention.
"Here we are!" Seokjin announced presenting eight rows of eight brightly coloured shots. "To having a full house, and a new housemate who fits like a glove!" Namjoon toasted, then you all did your individual line of shots. Thankfully, the shots were not as bitter as you might have expected, but as you downed the final one you felt the effects hit you immediately. "Fuck that'll take you out huh!" You said with a giggle, "The point of it indeed." Yoongi said, sliding a hand around your waist. Your housemates dispersed amongst the party-goers now that you were all drunk, leaving just you, Yoongi, and Taehyung at the island.
"Let's go outside~" You said, tugging Yoongi and Taehyung along with you out to the grassy portion of the backyard. There are very few people out beside yourselves, and you spin happily in the open space. This just makes you feel dizzier than before though so you fall to the ground in a giggly heap. "Y/N~ Be careful!" Taehyung said, though he himself is stumbling too as he comes over to help you up. He unsurprisingly ends up falling to the ground with you instead of managing to have you stand. Yoongi shook his head and came to lie down beside the two of you, a much smarter decision than trying to get either of you up.
"Y/N I can't wait till we can tell you about us." Taehyung slurs and you giggle, "Why do you have to wait! Tell me now!" Your interest has been piqued but your mind is still so blurry. "Tae, remember where we are." Yoongis voice sounds oddly serious and you roll over to look at him, his face is creased in a slight frown which makes you sad. The alcohol in your system deems that the worst thing on Earth and you begin to cry. "I'm sorry Yoongi!" You bury your face in his chest as he hovers his hands above you in bewilderment. "Sh, sh, it's ok Y/N!" Taehyung said as he curls behind you. Yoongi begins to rub small circles into your back and you eventually calm down.
"Don't be sad Yoongi, don't hate me." You whisper, lifting your head to look into his eyes. He smiles at you and you feel much better. The three of you disentangle and sit up and you lean in and press a soft kiss to Yoongis nose and then one to Taehyungs cheek. "There, all better!" You said as if it was them who had been crying rather than yourself. Yoongi laughs while Taehyung ruffles your hair.
Shouting from inside catches your attention and you stand up and stumble run inside the house, finding Jungkook with his fist full of some random guys shirt. "Say it again I fucking dare you!" Jungkook snarls, his voice thick with anger. The man scoffs, "I said, there better not be any magic freaks around here." Your breath catches in your throat and you feel sick to your stomach. Did they somehow know what you were? But you'd never even seen the man before! "We don't tolerate discrimination against different people in our house, everyone knows that so you better get the fuck out of here before I knock some sense into your thick fucking head." Jungkook spits releasing the dude from his grip and standing back. The man huffs but leaves like he's told, with everyone's eyes on him.
"Alright, I think we are going to end this now everyone thanks for coming!" Namjoon announces to the crowd which earns some grumbles, but people seem to understand that it is necessary. You watch the stream of people leave the house, your hands are shaking at the memory of the mans voice. It was like you were back in your old dorm when you'd been discovered. The voices of your roommates echoed in your head, "Fucking freak!" - "I wish I never met you." - "You're an abomination." - "I never want to see you again." You fall to your knees and press your hands over your ears, willing the voices to go away, but they just seem to grow louder.
"/N! Y/N! It's ok, Y/N everyone's gone!" You are shaken from the memories by Jimins concerned voice. You gasp, and tears begin to fall from your eyes for the second time that night. Jimin quickly pulls you into his arms and holds you tightly, whispering reassurance into your ear and rocking you gently. When you stopped crying Jimin pulled away slightly and studied your face intensely before wiping away any remaining tears. "Let's get you to bed hm?" He said softly, but you shook your head not wanting to be left alone in fear the voices would return. "How about I bring you to my room then?" You nod lightly and sniffle as he lifts you into his arms.
He carried you to his room, setting you gently on the bed which you quickly snuggled into sliding under the covers. The sheets smelled like Jimin and it felt safe. You felt Jimin slide in beside you, leaving room between the two of you, which you immediately closed by moving to lay your head on his chest. Jimin chuckled lightly, but let you do as you wished, combing his fingers through your hair until you fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.
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sleepyteamage · 5 years ago
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Yes exactly! I kind of see it like this:
He's left homeworld and goes into hiding at the end of Homeworld Bound, he's not going to go back to Earth where he'll still be a threat to the people he cares about and he's not going to go to an active gem colony where he still might pose a threat. I think he's going to go back to Jungle Moon. It's an inactive moon base for an already wiped gem colony with wildlife that he doesn't really need to fight or deal with. It also holds a lot of significance because this was the first episode for us to see Pink Diamond.
So he gets there understandably freaked from his latest murder attempt at who was his would be murderer and he's scared out of his mind because he can't control his powers and not even White Diamond, who barely lifted a finger and was able to defeat the crystal gems and himself with relative ease could help him control what he's going through. And then it hits him, White Diamond was able to remove his gem forcibly but it's not an impossible feat. So he wonders if he can do it...? Before to him, his gem was his identity, it was a sign that he was a Crystal Gem and had something greater to achieve. Now with his gem powers out of his control, he feels the only way to really keep himself under control, to have a normal HUMAN life would be to get rid of the one thing that doesn't make him fully human. We've seen that he and his gemself could be separate albeit with dire consequences, his human side being gravely ill and his gem side void of emotion or restraint. He thinks everything will be fine and normal if he just removed the one thing that kept him from being normal.
Of course it's a horrible idea, which makes me want to bring up the corruption theory. Everyone is waiting for that huge monster to appear, it feels like the big bad of the whole series. Endgame, etc. And it's obvious that seeing a corrupted Steven would finally bring him to his lowest point ever, becoming the monsters he used to fight, the monsters he's wanted to save since discovering what they really are. But he's half human and human can't undergo a gem corruption like that. But if Steven can separate his gem from himself and the constant trauma, guilt, and rage only manifests from his newly pink form, it's obvious that if he takes out his gem, it's going to reform into what he believes he is, a monster.
Anyway that's what I think. That's what I've been thinking since Growing Pains at least
You know what I'll say it, I think Steven is going to rip out his own gem.
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